Punishment Futari no Himitsu Kichi Teentube
[茶柱] 二人の秘密基地 (デジタルぷにぺどッ! Vol.10) [中国翻訳]
#329475 - You could not hope to find anything more seductive or sweeter. She is constantly drunk and vomits, farts, and shits here, there, and everywhere all the time, and all unawares she is doing it. Five full hours are required to reach the top of the mountain, and there you come upon another extraordinary feature which, owing to the precautions that had been taken, became a new barrier so insurmountable that none but birds might have overcome it: the topographical accident we refer to is a crevice above sixty yards wide which splits the crest into northern and southern parts, with the result that, after having climbed up the mountain, it is impossible, without great skill, to go back down it.
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